Friday, October 9, 2009

the most up-ended sideways day...

Last night we had a *hard* freeze. we dropped down to 24 degrees. this morning, i drove lars down to his aunties to drop him off before i went off to my {second} first day of work at the scrapbook store & the amazing quality of the day hit me.
it was sunny, finally, after what had started to seam like never-ending rain. everything was frosty. sparkling. quiet. still....except the leaves from some of the trees. *they* were flying, not falling, dripping from the trees like gilded paper. turning and turning as they fell . you could hear it, the mass exodus of these leaves, like a dance done in bare feet through fields of sunlite grass. touched by magic.
as i drove to work i noticed the pine trees on someones lawn had their own frost shadows. the morning sun had already melted the frost from everywhere except those pine tree shadows. you could see them there on the ground, each dark shadow outlined by a hazy nimbus of frost. all lined up like they usually are on minnesota farms, the lawn in between well kept & now glittering with melted frost. i was giddy with the beauty & singularity of the day, honored to be witness to the glory.

the rest of the day passed....better than some, worse than others. busy, crazy, flurry of a day with its own little joys & frustrations. yummy coffee, happy customers, sick daughter, no lunch, inconsiderate people, pinchy shoes, good conversation, grown-up interaction, missing my boy, long drive home, naked trees, comfy jammies, arg! no milk, dressed & driving again, laundry, finally food....and a big comfy chair...and a blanket. life is good.
then it started snowing. on the ninth of october.
snowing like mad.

what a day... an up-ended sideways day.
 i hope all of my tomorrows are as interesting & full of sensations as this one was.
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janehope said...

This is where I come to look at your life and feel inspired to do more in mine. You have been through so much and do so much and think so much that I stand on the edges and grab the bits that drop to the side.
What a horror it would have been not to have known you and for my children not to have met you again.
But it is a new day, a new dawning let's see what happens next. love the Jen Jen

Jennifer said...

such beautiful words auntie... they mean more to me than you can know... i love you!

Unknown said...

That is a beautiful way to articulate Miss Jenn - how eloquent and beautiful and so, so, so true. Jenn, you are an inspiration and a beautiful sparkle in my heart every single day.