Thursday, March 18, 2010

thought for the day....

"it's good work, if you can get it."

i have been saying this for awhile now.  it's become part of my life.
my little happiness mantra.

it's good work if you can get it.

to me it has always been how i feel about getting to be a stay at home mom & do all of the things that i love to do. about building a life....real life.
{with friends & family & love & teaching & learning & art & yummy food...}
and then today i was commenting on how i would love to go back to alaska and the difference between being tired & being good and tired.  you know, the difference between when you lay around all day & when you get up & DO something?
and all of a sudden it  made a sudden shift in meaning in my mind....
it's good work if you can-
get it  {understand, savvie, comprehend on another level, have a lightbulb moment} kinda get it.
rather than get it  {obtain, receive, acquire, luck into, fall into your lap} kinda get.


like how math used to be this horrible, looming THING in my life...i hated math. all those fractions & percents & decimals...{ oh my!} *hated.*  hated to have to do math because i didn't GET it..... and then one day when i was like, thirty, lol  i discovered that i didn't hate math anymore cause i was starting to get it. somewhere along the line, what with trying to help sami with her homework and all of my scrapbooking & bookbinding & sewing & all that measuring & adjusting... i had just done it so much of it that it was finally starting to come to me.

so today it occures to me that maybe life is good work.... if you can get it.

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