Friday, December 5, 2008

Argh..the joys of being the mother of a teenage daughter...

This is the kind of emotional torture I get from my daughter, who is 14...( & a half omg!)
AND who has a boyfriend whom I intensely dislike...

Note the "wet eye" on the little chibi*
and the wagging tail...
and the begging paws...
Sami knows I have a particular weakness for the chibi race...
especially the sad ones
...nothing that cute should be sad.
So this, I declare as emotional blackmail!
She fights dirty I tell you...dirty.

*(basically anything small & extremely cute..Lars is sometimes referred to as a chibi)
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1 comment:

Kiki Sayuri said...

lol sad thing is, I can do *so* much worse! (Mwhahahaha!!!) lol
